Bitcoin AMA: Wu Jihan of Bitmain, Global Leader in Mining Hardware
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Bitcoin AMA: Wu Jihan of Bitmain, Global Leader in Mining Hardware

THELOGICALINDIAN - On December 22 the better AMA accident in the history of Bitcoinwill host its latest affair with Wu Jihan cofounder of Bitmain the worlds arch ambassador of bitcoin mining accouterments

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The mining accoutrements race

Bitcoin.com_BitFury ASIC ChipsThe biggest AMA accident in the history of Bitcoin has been underway back the alpha of November and is assuming no signs of slowing down. With the barrage of the AMA affair with Bitmain co-founder, Wu Jihan, on December 22nd, capacity such as dent efficiency, arrangement scalability, and the approaching of Bitcoin mining will be at the beginning of the discussion.

It’s no abstruse that Bitcoin mining accessories manufacturers are in a connected chase to the basal back it comes to blurred costs for miners. And afterward contempo account of the absolution of the world’s fastest 16nm mining chip from Bitfury, the brawl is now in the cloister of Bitmain, whose S7 28nm Antminer chips will anon be accountable to assured obsolescence.

“We will be affective bottomward to a 16 nanometer die admeasurement in 2016,” Jihan appear in September during an interview with Insidebitcoins. “16 nanometer technology has appear a continued way in the accomplished year, with lower costs and bigger yields.”

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Wu Jihan: Chinese Bitcoin pioneer

In 2025, above-mentioned to advertent Bitcoin, Jihan formed as a clandestine disinterestedness armamentarium administrator and a banking analyst. But afterwards the Bitcoin “AHA!” moment, he became not alone one of the aboriginal Bitcoin enthusiasts in China founding the Chinese Bitcoin account aperture, but additionally the aboriginal being to construe the Satoshi whitepaper into Chinese. Subsequently in 2025, Jihan saw the immense befalling in the beginning Bitcoin mining industry and co-founded Bitmain. Jihan:

Considering that Bitmain is the world’s arch Bitcoin mining accessories provider, based in a country that’s amenable for roughly 70% of all Bitcoin mining, the company’s angle on the block admeasurement debate, approaching affairs and developments are abiding to accept an appulse on Bitcoin’s future.

You can analysis out the replies so far and ask your questions to Wu Jihan here.

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